Property Management Blog

Should Your HOA Hire a Professional HOA Management Company?

Should Your HOA Hire a Professional HOA Management Company?

Should your HOA hire a professional HOA Management Company for professional management?

This is a great question to ask of your volunteer-run HOA board. At first glance, it may seem like an easy enough task to operate your Home Owners Association, but it can get out of hand pretty quickly.

We all love the fruit of a well operated HOA. Cruising down the streets of a neighborhood can leave a person looking for open plots of land or for-sale signs if it’s well kept.

Well-groomed grass, trees and bushes and a shimmering water fountain and lake towards the front of the neighborhood, following by more of the same with the lawns of residents and pristine homes can easily solicit envy from visitors.

That’s the easy part of HOA management. Volunteer neighbors getting the chance to weigh in on how yards should be kept and what home improvements are acceptable and not are the fun aspects of HOA management that volunteers may have a passion for.

The aspects that cause the whole operation to hit the fan are the ones that make it obvious that a professional company needs to take over the HOA operation.

What A Professional HOA Management Company Does

A good, professional HOA Management Company understands your board and your residents, and can help you run a smooth, financially stable operation for the entire association. A professional and full-service community management company anticipates your needs and solves your biggest challenges.

They can take over management of your Home Owners Association whether you have an association of single family homes or a building with multiple condo units.

They can take over management of the following responsibilities:

  • Ensure compliance with governing documents
  • Manage your amenities and facilities
  • Budgeting and financial reporting
  • Collection of assessments and delinquencies
  • Board meeting attendance
  • Maintenance supervision
  • Architectural reviews and capital improvements

Some HOA management companies offer customized management contracts that are tailored to the needs of your board. Some companies will provide more than oversight and management; they man additionally make recommendations and take the initiative on projects that you’ve wanted to tackle, but perhaps lacked the time and organization to execute.

Some HOA management companies may even review all of your governing documents and bring consistency and compliance to your community board.

There are many ways in which an HOA may benefit by hiring a professional HOA management company in Maryland.

These benefits include:

  • They understand all state and industry laws, regulations, and best practices.
  • Their records are detailed, accurate, and transparent. Everything is documented.
  • They provide counsel and enforcement on rules, regulations, and restrictions.
  • Monthly reports benefit the board and keep homeowners involved and accountable.
  • Budgeting expertise for short term and long term needs.
  • They train and educate board members, making continuous improvements to operations.
  • Their team may be comprised of maintenance experts who can collect and review bids, recommend vendors, and supervise work to make sure it’s complete and high quality.
  • Day to day responsibilities, such as handling dues and sending notices, are handled efficiently.

Still, not every HOA management company in Maryland offers all this.

That’s what makes Utz Property Management an easy choice for so many HOAs across Carroll County, and the greater Maryland state.

It doesn’t take Utz Property Management long to understand your community and its needs.

If you are considering hiring a professional HOA management company to operate your HOA, you should contact UTZ Property Management to learn more, ask questions, and find out if they might be the best fit for your community association.
